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The sixth edition of The Kelalis-King-Belman Textbook of Clinical Pediatric Urology presents state-of-the-art knowledge and common-sense practice in all areas of clinical pediatric urology in a single, easily accessible volume. Clinical in orientation and practical in presentation, it covers every disorder and disease, diagnostic method, and appropriate treatment in pediatric urology from the embryo onwards. Widely acknowledged as the leading reference in the field, the book is essential reading for all practitioners who deal with urological disorders of childhood, whether trainees, residents or experienced specialists.The book begins with chapters on evaluating the patient and general principles of pediatric urology, including the Designed for trainees at all levels, ENT and Head and Neck Procedures: An Operative Guide provides concise, step-by-step instructions to the core otolaryngology, head and neck, and facial plastics procedures that surgeons are likely to encounter in daily practice. Convenient and portable, this guide provides enough information to allow trainees to perform the operations themselves under appropriate supervision.
Concise surgical steps for each procedure are followed by detailed explanations. Clear diagrams and photographs demonstrate the important stages of each operation. Surgeons’ tips bridge the gap between the theory and what actually works on the operating table. The book also includes an easy reference table of complications that should be discussed with the patient when obtaining consent.
The authors have used their wealth of experience to write a practical guide that that will give trainees the skills as well as the confidence they will need in the surgical arena.
ENT and Head and Neck Procedures: An Operative Guide 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
by George Mochloulis (Author), F. Kay Seymour (Author), Joanna Stephens (Author)
File Size: 32169 KB
Print Length: 128 pages
Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (March 3, 2017)
Publication Date: March 3, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Định dạng sách PDF – 128 trang – 12 MB