Bài Giảng Bệnh Học Ngoại Khoa – ĐH Y Hà Nội (Tập 2)
Loãng xương và viêm xương khớp – Protocols Labo sinh học phân tử, ấn bản 2021
Biến chứng của tiêm Filler – Phản ứng quá mẫn, u hạt, hoại tử và mù, 2019
Nguyên lý và ca lâm sàng X-Quang ngực trong ICU
Berek Novak Atlas – Giáo trình Phụ khoa, Phiên bản 16 [2019]
Sachyhoc.com- Phiên bản thứ tư này của Phẫu thuật hậu môn, trực tràng và đại tràng tiếp tục xác định lại lĩnh vực này, với phạm vi bao quát toàn diện về các điều kiện đại trực tràng phổ biến và hiếm gặp, tiến bộ trong sinh học phân tử và di truyền của bệnh đại trực tràng và kỹ thuật nội soi mới.Table of Contents
Section 1: GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF COLORECTAL SURGERY. Anatomy. Physiology. Process Delivery in Colorectal Surgical Practice. Perioperative Care. Surgical Principles: Bowel Anastomosis, Wound Management, and Surveillance. Sexual Dysfunction. Persistent Perineal Sinus. Stomas.
Section 2: PROCTOLOGY. Anal fissure. Anorectal Abscess and Fistula. Haemorrhoidal Disease. Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Pilonidal Sinus. Pruritus Ani. Rectovaginal Fistula.
Section 3: FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS. Specialist investigation of anorectal and colonic functions. Chronic constipation. Idiopathic megacolon and megarectum. Irritable bowel syndrome. Rectal prolapse & associated pelvic organ prolapse syndromes. Faecal incontinence. Chronic perineal pain.
Section 4: NEOPLASTIC DISEASE. Molecular biology in Colorectal adenoma and adenocarcinoma. Clinical features of Colorectal adenoma and adenocarcinoma. Pathology and staging of Colorectal adenoma and adenocarcinoma. Screening of colorectal adenoma and adenocarcinoma. Endoscopy and management of colorectal polyps. Ultrasound in Colorectal cancer. Magnetic resonance imaging and CT scanning in colorectal cancer. Nuclear medicine and PET in colorectal cancer. Surgical management of colon cancer. Transanal excision of rectal adenoma and rectal carcinoma. Radical sphincter-sparing resection in rectal cancer. Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision in rectal cancer (TaTME). Abdomino-perineal excision for rectal cancer. Management of Locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer. Adjuvant therapy of colon cancer. (Neo-) adjuvant radiotherapy in rectal cancer. Organ Preservation in rectal cancer. Treatment of metastatic disease. Follow-up and postoperative sequelae in colorectal cancer. Hereditary colorectal cancer. Treatment of Anal Cancer. GIST of the lower Gastro Intestinal tract. Pre-sacral tumours. Other tumours of the colon and rectum.
SECTION 5 DIVERTICULAR DISEASE. Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment. Uncomplicated diverticulitis. Complicated Diverticulitis excluding perforation. Perforated diverticulitis. Right sided diverticulitis and special situations. Surgical techniques. SECTION 6 INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE. IBD. Modern insights in the aetiology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Incidence, prevalence and trends in IBD. Diagnosis of IBD. Imaging in IBD . Medical treatment of IBD. European registries and outcome in IBD. Cancer in IBD. Crohn’s Disease. Upper GI Crohn’s Disease. Small bowel Crohn’s disease. Large bowel and anorectal Crohn’s disease. Perianal Crohn’s disease. Ano/rectovaginal fistula in Crohn’s disease. Ulcerative Coilitis. Emergency colectomy in acute colitis. Restorative proctocolectomy in colitis. Ileo-rectal anastomosis & alternative strategies in colitis. Pouch dysfunction in colitis. Continent ileostomy in colitis. SECTION 7 MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE COLORECTAL DISEASE. Evaluation of the patient with large bowel obstruction. Malignant Large Bowel Obstruction. Non-Malignant Large Bowel Obstruction. Functional Non-Malignant Large Bowel Obstruction. Trauma to the Colon, Rectum, Anus and Perineum. Bleeding from the colon and rectum. Management of acute intestinal ischaemia. Peritonitis (General Considerations). Management of Toxic colitis. Stoma management in the Acute Abdomen. Anorectal conditions requiring urgent or emergency intervention. SECTION 8 MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS IN COLORECTAL DISEASE. Intestinal failure. Endometriosis. Urology in colorectal surgery. Gynecological considerations and Urogenital fistulas. Pediatric Surgery – what the adult surgeon needs to know. Sexually transmitted diseases. Radiation injury. Tropical colorectal surgery.
Keighley & Williams’ Surgery of the Anus, Rectum and Colon, Fourth Edition: Two-volume set
4th Edition
Michael R.B. Keighley, Norman S. Williams
CRC Press
Published December 28, 2018
Reference – 1618 Pages
1000 B/W Illustrations
ISBN 9781138477384
Định dạng Ebook: PDF – Số trang: 1618 – Dung lượng 35 MB- mangyte.vn
Tài liệu Y Khoa - Mạng Y Tế