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A succinct yet comprehensive overview of respiratory medicine, written for students and professionals.Essential Respiratory Medicine is an indispensable text offering an understanding of respiratory conditions and their clinical management within evidence-based guidelines. Containing information on taking a medical history, performing examinations and investigations, diagnosis and the management of respiratory conditions, this comprehensive text was put together by a noted expert in the field.
Written in an accessible manner, Essential Respiratory Medicine contains the foundational science associated with respiratory medicine, a wide-variety of practical procedures, helpful diagrams, and self-assessments designed to enhance understanding of the material presented. The text covers a variety of conditions as well as providing suggestions for engaging with patients at different stages of care. This important resource:
Demonstrates an effective approach to patients presenting with common respiratory symptoms
Includes a description of all key practical procedures with diagrams
Discusses acute management of important respiratory emergencies
Covers both acute and chronic disease
Contains a companion website containing a range of learning materials, including downloadable management summaries and algorithms, an image bank, videos of patient examination, example respiratory sounds and multiple-choice questions
Essential Respiratory Medicine is an essential resource for anyone on a clinical placement, rotation, or training programme in respiratory medicine.
BOOK Details____
Title: Essential Respiratory Medicine
Author(s): Shanthi Paramothayan
Series: Essentials Periodical:
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Year: 2018 Edition:
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 425\425
ISBN: 9781118618318 ID: 2338829
Size: 32 MB Extension: pdf
Tải sách: Định dạng PDF – 425 trang – 33 MB – GOOGLE DRIVE