Cẩm nang học đo thính lực cơ bản, ấn bản Thứ ba, 2022
Đánh giá Bệnh nhân trong thực hành Dược lâm sàng, Tái bản lần 3
Amato Russell, Các rối loạn thần kinh cơ
Atlas Siêu âm Tim qua Thực quản Phiên bản 2e
Thảo luận ca lâm sàng Cấp cứu, Tái bản lần thứ 3
Loạt sách ngữ pháp bán chạy nhất thế giới dành cho người học tiếng Anh.Phiên bản thứ năm có sẵn dưới dạng một cuốn sách in và ebook có âm thanh, để học khi đang di chuyển. Nó đi kèm với các bài tập tương tác và âm thanh tích hợp để giúp rèn luyện kỹ năng nghe và phát âm.
Cuốn sách với câu trả lời và ebook tương tác với âm thanh. Hoàn hảo cho bất cứ ai muốn tất cả nội dung của cuốn sách in và dễ dàng truy cập vào phiên bản kỹ thuật số để học tập khi đang di chuyển. Ebook bao gồm các bài tập tương tác và âm thanh tích hợp để giúp rèn luyện kỹ năng nghe và phát âm.
Sách có câu trả lời. Phiên bản in cổ điển của cuốn sách, lý tưởng cho việc tự học.
Sách không có câu trả lời. Các giải thích ngữ pháp và bài tập thực hành tương tự như được tìm thấy trong ‘cuốn sách có câu trả lời’ nhưng lý tưởng cho các lớp học nơi giáo viên không muốn học sinh có quyền truy cập ngay vào câu trả lời.
Table of contents :
Cover……Page 1
Title Page……Page 3
Copyright……Page 4
Contents……Page 5
Thanks……Page 9
To the student……Page 10
To the teacher……Page 12
1 Present continuous (I am doing)……Page 14
2 Present simple (I do)……Page 16
3 Present continuous and present simple 1 (I am doing and I do)……Page 18
4 Present continuous and present simple 2 (I am doing and I do)……Page 20
5 Past simple (I did)……Page 22
6 Past continuous (I was doing)……Page 24
7 Present perfect 1 (I have done)……Page 26
8 Present perfect 2 (I have done)……Page 28
9 Present perfect continuous (I have been doing)……Page 30
10 Present perfect continuous and simple (I have been doing and I have done)……Page 32
11 how long have you (been) … ?……Page 34
12 for and since when … ? and how long … ?……Page 36
13 Present perfect and past 1 (I have done and I did)……Page 38
14 Present perfect and past 2 (I have done and I did)……Page 40
15 Past perfect (I had done)……Page 42
16 Past perfect continuous (I had been doing)……Page 44
17 have and have got……Page 46
18 used to (do)……Page 48
19 Present tenses (I am doing / I do) for the future……Page 50
20 I’m going to (do)……Page 52
21 will and shall 1……Page 54
22 will and shall 2……Page 56
23 I will and I’m going to……Page 58
24 will be doing and will have done……Page 60
25 when I do and when I’ve done if and when……Page 62
26 can, could and (be) able to……Page 64
27 could (do) and could have (done)……Page 66
28 must and can’t……Page 68
29 may and might 1……Page 70
30 may and might 2……Page 72
31 have to and must……Page 74
32 must mustn’t needn’t……Page 76
33 should 1……Page 78
34 should 2……Page 80
35 I’d better … it’s time ………Page 82
36 would……Page 84
37 can/could/would you … ? etc. (Requests, offers, permission and invitations)……Page 86
38 if I do … and if I did ………Page 88
39 if I knew … I wish I knew ………Page 90
40 if I had known … I wish I had known ………Page 92
41 wish……Page 94
42 Passive 1 (is done / was done)……Page 96
43 Passive 2 (be done / been done / being done)……Page 98
44 Passive 3……Page 100
45 it is said that … he is said to … he is supposed to ………Page 102
46 have something done……Page 104
47 Reported speech 1 (he said that …)……Page 106
48 Reported speech 2……Page 108
49 Questions 1……Page 110
50 Questions 2 (do you know where … ? / he asked me where …)……Page 112
51 Auxiliary verbs (have/do/can etc.) I think so / I hope so etc…….Page 114
52 Question tags (do you? isn’t it? etc.)……Page 116
53 Verb + -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing etc.)……Page 118
54 Verb + to … (decide to … / forget to … etc.)……Page 120
55 Verb (+ object) + to … (I want you to …)……Page 122
56 Verb + -ing or to … 1 (remember, regret etc.)……Page 124
57 Verb + -ing or to … 2 (try, need, help)……Page 126
58 Verb + -ing or to … 3 (like / would like etc.)……Page 128
59 prefer and would rather……Page 130
60 Preposition (in/for/about etc.) + -ing……Page 132
61 be/get used to … (I’m used to …)……Page 134
62 Verb + preposition + -ing (succeed in -ing / insist on -ing etc.)……Page 136
63 there’s no point in -ing, it’s worth -ing etc…….Page 138
64 to … , for … and so that ………Page 140
65 Adjective + to ………Page 142
66 to … (afraid to do) and preposition + -ing (afraid of -ing)……Page 144
67 see somebody do and see somebody doing……Page 146
68 -ing clauses (He hurt his knee playing football.)……Page 148
69 Countable and uncountable 1……Page 150
70 Countable and uncountable 2……Page 152
71 Countable nouns with a/an and some……Page 154
72 a/an and the……Page 156
73 the 1……Page 158
74 the 2 (school / the school etc.)……Page 160
75 the 3 (children / the children)……Page 162
76 the 4 (the giraff e / the telephone / the old etc.)……Page 164
77 Names with and without the 1……Page 166
78 Names with and without the 2……Page 168
79 Singular and plural……Page 170
80 Noun + noun (a bus driver / a headache)……Page 172
81 -’s (your sister’s name) and of … (the name of the book)……Page 174
82 myself/yourself/themselves etc…….Page 176
83 a friend of mine my own house on my own / by myself……Page 178
84 there … and it ………Page 180
85 some and any……Page 182
86 no/none/any nothing/nobody etc…….Page 184
87 much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty……Page 186
88 all / all of most / most of no / none of etc…….Page 188
89 both / both of neither / neither of either / either of……Page 190
90 all every whole……Page 192
91 each and every……Page 194
92 Relative clauses 1: clauses with who/that/which……Page 196
93 Relative clauses 2: clauses with and without who/that/which……Page 198
94 Relative clauses 3: whose/whom/where……Page 200
95 Relative clauses 4: extra information clauses (1)……Page 202
96 Relative clauses 5: extra information clauses (2)……Page 204
97 -ing and -ed clauses (the woman talking to Tom, the boy injured in the accident)……Page 206
98 Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed (boring/bored etc.)……Page 208
99 Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired……Page 210
100 Adjectives and adverbs 1 (quick/quickly)……Page 212
101 Adjectives and adverbs 2 (well, fast, late, hard/hardly)……Page 214
102 so and such……Page 216
103 enough and too……Page 218
104 quite, pretty, rather and fairly……Page 220
105 Comparative 1 (cheaper, more expensive etc.)……Page 222
106 Comparative 2 (much better / any better etc.)……Page 224
107 Comparative 3 (as … as / than)……Page 226
108 Superlative (the longest / the most enjoyable etc.)……Page 228
109 Word order 1: verb + object; place and time……Page 230
110 Word order 2: adverbs with the verb……Page 232
111 still any more yet already……Page 234
112 even……Page 236
113 although though even though in spite of despite……Page 238
114 in case……Page 240
115 unless as long as provided……Page 242
116 as (as I walked … / as I was … etc.)……Page 244
117 like and as……Page 246
118 like as if……Page 248
119 during for while……Page 250
120 by and until by the time ………Page 252
121 at/on/in (time)……Page 254
122 on time and in time at the end and in the end……Page 256
123 in/at/on (position) 1……Page 258
124 in/at/on (position) 2……Page 260
125 in/at/on (position) 3……Page 262
126 to, at, in and into……Page 264
127 in/on/at (other uses)……Page 266
128 by……Page 268
129 Noun + preposition (reason for, cause of etc.)……Page 270
130 Adjective + preposition 1……Page 272
131 Adjective + preposition 2……Page 274
132 Verb + preposition 1 to and at……Page 276
133 Verb + preposition 2 about/for/of/after……Page 278
134 Verb + preposition 3 about and of……Page 280
135 Verb + preposition 4 of/for/from/on……Page 282
136 Verb + preposition 5 in/into/with/to/on……Page 284
137 Phrasal verbs 1 Introduction……Page 286
138 Phrasal verbs 2 in/out……Page 288
139 Phrasal verbs 3 out……Page 290
140 Phrasal verbs 4 on/off (1)……Page 292
141 Phrasal verbs 5 on/off (2)……Page 294
142 Phrasal verbs 6 up/down……Page 296
143 Phrasal verbs 7 up (1)……Page 298
144 Phrasal verbs 8 up (2)……Page 300
145 Phrasal verbs 9 away/back……Page 302
Appendix 1 Regular and irregular verbs……Page 304
Appendix 2 Present and past tenses……Page 306
Appendix 3 The future……Page 307
Appendix 4 Modal verbs (can/could/will/would etc.)……Page 308
Appendix 5 Short forms (I’m / you’ve / didn’t etc.)……Page 309
Appendix 6 Spelling……Page 310
Appendix 7 American English……Page 312
Additional exercises……Page 314
Study guide……Page 338
Key to Exercises……Page 348
Key to Additional exercises (see page 302)……Page 380
Key to Study guide……Page 384
Index……Page 385
Title: English Grammar in Use 5th edition
Author(s): Raymond Murphy
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Year: 2019 Edition: 5th Edition
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 394\394
ISBN: ID: 2335954
Size: 14 MB Extension:pdf
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