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[2019] Bài giảng lâm sàng USMLE Step 2 CK – Nhi khoa
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Lưu thông mạch vành: Giải phẫu, tính chất cơ học và cơ sinh học, 2019
Giáo trình Sinh Lý Bệnh Học – Trường Đại học Y Hà Nội
For current medical students, this is a great way to reinforce the material you are learning and another incentive to know the information well. For professionals in the The new Ross & Wilson Pocket Reference Guide to Anatomy and Physiology is a quick reference and revision guide designed specifically for the needs of nursing and allied health students, as well as those of paramedical science, operating department practice, and complementary therapy. The volume provides over 250 topics, each one presenting a key anatomical structure together with notes covering its anatomy, physiology and clinical relevance. Designed for portability, this helpful pocket guide is intended to facilitate and reinforce learning and comes with a helpful online self-assessment program containing a range of MCQs and anatomical labelling exercises.Key Features
Summarizes essential facts from the world’s favourite human biology textbook!
Presents over 250 key anatomical structures together with ‘quick reference’ revision notes regarding their structure, function and clinical relevance
Straightforward language and user-friendly approach provides a useful, up-to-date aide-memoire in a helpful, easy-to-carry format
Helpful website provides a range of self-assessment exercises on anatomy and physiology to help consolidate learning.
Chi tiết sách___
Title: Ross & Wilson Pocket Reference Guide to Anatomy and Physiology
Author(s): Anne Muller
Publisher: Elsevier
Year: 2019 Edition: 1st Edition
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 546\546
ISBN: 9780702076183, 9780702076190 ID: 2334541
Size: 35 MB Extension:pdf
Tải sách: Định dạng PDF, 546 trang, Dung lượng 35 MB – GOOGLE DRIVE