Sinh lý học dịch, điện giải và kiềm toan: Tiếp cận dựa trên vấn đề, Phiên bản thứ 5
Bằng chứng cho Phẫu thuật thần kinh: Các quy trình và điều trị hiệu quả, 2019
Oxford Giáo trình các rối loạn giấc ngủ [Tái bản lần thứ nhất]
Hướng dẫn về X quang chẩn đoán cho sinh viên y khoa, 2020
Chăm sóc tích cực bệnh nhân trường thành với bệnh tim bẩm sinh, 2019
The Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors, 3rd edition, provides a concise introduction to teaching. Written by experienced medical educators from the Advanced Life Support Group and Resuscitation Council (UK), this best-selling guide gives comprehensive and practical advice on the most effective teaching methods.Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors covers basic principles and practical aspects of teaching in a variety of modalities. This edition includes material which reflects current developments within instructor courses and includes new material on feedback, an awareness of non-technical skills, the teaching of teams and supporting learners.
This book is essential reading for anyone interested in teaching doctors and healthcare professionals in any context. It is aimed at the relative newcomer to the teaching role in all its variety and provides essential, practical advice as to how to get the best out of learners.
Table of contents :
Content: Adult learning —
A structured approach to teaching —
Lecturing effectively —
Teaching skills —
Managing simulations —
Facilitating discussions —
Getting assessment right —
Feedback —
Learning —
Supporting learning —
Teaching teams.
Title: Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors
Author(s): Bullock, Ian; Davis, Mike; Lockey, Andrew; Mackway-Jones, Kevin
Series: Advanced Life Support Group Periodical:
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons,BMJ Books
Year: 2016 Edition: 3
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 112\0
ISBN: 978-1-118-86007-6, 1118860071 ID:1445400
Size: 2 MB (2272652 B) Extension: pdf
Tải sách: Định dạng PDF – 112 trang – 2 MB – GOOGLE DRIVE