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Bệnh Amyloidosis và Bệnh Fabry: Hướng dẫn lâm sàng, ấn bản 2023
DESCRIPTIONEdited by leading clinicians in the field and a stellar contributor list from the US and Europe, this book is written in an easy to understand style by multidisciplinary teams of medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and other specialists, reflecting day-to-day decision-making and clinical practice. Input from pathologists, surgeons, radiologists, and other specialists is included wherever relevant and comprehensive treatment guidelines are provided by expert contributors where there is no standard recognized treatment. This book is an ideal resource for anyone seeking a practical understanding of the field of oncology.
The American Cancer Society is a global grassroots force of nearly 2 million volunteers dedicated to saving lives, celebrating lives, and leading the fight for a world without cancer. From breakthrough research, to free lodging near treatment, a live helpline, free rides to treatment, and convening powerful activists to create awareness and impact, the Society is the only organization attacking cancer from every angle. For more information go to
The American Cancer Society’s Oncology in Practice: Clinical Management
The American Cancer Society (Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-118-51764-2
March 2018
776 Pages
TẢI VỀ: Định dạng PDF – 776 trang – 34 MB – Google Drive