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Guiding FFICM and EDIC exam candidates through the intensive care medicine curriculum, this book provides 48 case studies mapped to eight key areas of study in the UK and European syllabuses. Cases include clinical vignettes, explanations and a list of key learning points, while also being formatted along the structure of FICM case reports. Key clinical management points are identified and linked to appropriate scientific or evidence-based research and case studies chosen reflect a general population relevant to a worldwide readership. Conditions covered are significant to large areas of clinical practice as well as more discrete specialist knowledge, making this an essential study guide for trainees preparing for exams in intensive care medicine and also a useful learning tool for candidates in related disciplines such as anaesthesia (FRCA), emergency medicine (MCEM) and surgery (MRCS).‘In conclusion, Case Studies in Adult Intensive Care Medicine provides a concise and accurate description of key topics relevant to intensive care medicine. This book is recommended for students who are preparing for exams in intensive care medicine and physicians who seek a clinically oriented approach to the diagnosis and management of critical illnesses.’ Houssein A. Youness and Jean I. Keddissi, Anestheisa & Analgesia
About the Author
Daniele Bryden is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield and Regional Advisor for Intensive Care Medicine in South Yorkshire based at the Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK.
Case Studies in Adult Intensive Care Medicine 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
by Daniele Bryden (Editor), Andrew Temple (Editor)
File Size: 11504 KB
Print Length: 312 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (April 30, 2017)
Publication Date: April 4, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English