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Triệu chứng học + Bệnh học + Điều trị học Nội khoa – GS Nguyễn Huy Dung [3 tập]
Điện sinh lý kẹp vá: Phương pháp và Giao thức, ấn bản 2021
Sổ tay Chẩn đoán, Quản lý và Phòng ngừa Đột quỵ
The Washington Manual™ Subspecialty Consult Series.Prepared by specialty fellows and faculty in the Department of Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine—and reviewed by attending physicians in each field—each volume in this renowned series delivers the on-the-spot help you need to provide quality patient management. Right from the initial call, you’ll learn how to take a patient history, how to interpret exam findings, what tests to order, how to complete the workup, and how to formulate an effective management plan.
The Third Edition of The Washington Manual of Endocrinology Subspecialty Consult continues to provide the practical, stepwise guidance you’ve come to trust from The Washington Manual™ and has been fully updated to include current and practical approaches to the endocrine disorders most often seen in clinical consultation.
• Emphasis on key approaches to evaluation and treatment helps you hone diagnostic skills, broaden therapeutic options, and improve outcomes
• Core subject areas include diabetes, thyroid disease, pituitary disorders, and bone topics. Chapters on obesity, vitamin D, lipids, HIV/AIDS, and polyendocrine syndromes complement the core subjects
• Key points to remember in each chapter deliver vital diagnostic and treatment information
• Clinical pearls highlighted in bold let you benefit from the experience of seasoned clinicians
NEW to the Third Edition…
• Updated content addresses the latest developments in the pathophysiology and treatment of endocrine disorders
• Updated drug dosing information helps you keep pace with the latest indications and standards
• New chapter addresses inpatient management of diabetes
The Washington Manual of Endocrinology Subspecialty Consult (Washington Manual Subspecialty Consult Series) Third Edition
by Janet B. McGill MD (Author), Thomas J. Baranski MD (Author), William E. Clutter MD (Author), Katherine Henderson MD (Author)
List Price: $59.99
Series: Washington Manual Subspecialty Consult Series
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: LWW; Third edition (September 18, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1451114079
ISBN-13: 978-1451114072
Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.7 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces
Định dạng PDF – 384 trang – Kích thước tệp tin: 8 MB