Silicosis is completely preventable - if employers and workers take specific steps. If you work in a job that exposes you to silica dust, your employer must, by law, give you the correct equipment and clothing you need to protect yourself. Then you are responsible for using it – always - and for taking other steps to protect yourself and your family as you leave your job site and head home.
Use water sprays and ventilation when working in confined structures, to lower the amount of dust, including
Your employer must give you a properly fitted respirator that is specifically designed (and certified) to protect you from crystalline silica, in cases where water sprays and ventilation alone are not enough to reduce silica dust levels.
If you use a tight-fitting respirator for your particular work, you cannot have a beard or mustache. Beards and mustaches keep the respirator from sealing to your face.
Go to lung screenings and other health programs offered at work.
If you smoke, do not smoke in dusty areas, and always wash your hands and face outside dusty areas before smoking. Make a plan to quit as soon as you are ready – smoking always makes lung disease worse.
If possible, shower and change into clean clothes before leaving the worksite. This will prevent you from bringing silica into other work areas, your car and your home - and exposing your family and other people to silica.
Always remember that when you wear dusty clothing in your car, at home, or anywhere outside of your worksite, you may be exposing your family to potentially deadly silica!
Be sure you are using the proper respirator that fits well and is not uncomfortable. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health approves specific respirators for specific situations. The type of respirator you need depends on:
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