Để lại bình luận tại [PDF] Drug Discovery for Leishmaniasis
Author: Luis Rivas
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
Year: 2017
Language: English
Speciality: Pharmacology, THUỐC & DƯỢC HỌC
For human health, leishmaniasis is among the most important protozoan diseases, superseded only by malaria. Globally, 10 to 12 million people are infected with 1.5 million new cases every year. The development of cheaper new drugs is urgently needed for this neglected disease that is developing resistance to current treatments. Chemotherapy remains the only treatment option for the bulk of patients. However, this is largely unaffordable for most. In the past three years numerous advances in drug discovery have been made for treating this disease by exploiting diverging metabolic pathways between the Leishmania enzymes and their hosts, using nanotechnology to target the immune cell phagolysosomes where Leishmania resides.
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