Để lại bình luận tại [PDF] Pharmacology Clear & Simple: A Guide to Drug Classifications and Dosage Calculations, 3rd edition
Tác giả: Cynthia J. Watkins
Nhà xuất bản: F.A. Davis Company
Năm xuất bản: 2018
Ngôn ngữ: English
Chuyên ngành: Medical Assistants, THUỐC & DƯỢC HỌC
2 books in 1!
PharmacologyDosage calculationsSave time and money with two books in one! Half pharmacology, half dosage calculations–plus an intensive, yet clear & simple review of basic math! Here’s the must-have knowledge and guidance you need to gain a solid understanding of pharmacology and the safe administration of medications in one text. A body systems approach to pharmacology with a basic math review and a focus on drug classifications prepare you for administering specific drugs in the clinical setting. See what students are saying online about the previous edition…
“Very good setup and i passed with an A.”
“Bought as a text book for a class, I will be holding on to this as a desk reference.”
“Very easy to understand.”
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