Welcome to the 62nd annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology. This year’s congress is unique among ASH annual meetings—the first to be all-virtual and the first to be held in the midst of a raging pandemic.
And just as the annual meeting has had to adapt to the circumstances, so too has Hematology 2020. For the first time, this year’s edition is electronic-only. Some of the chapters reference COVID-19 and its impact on hematologic disorders. Other new features include a new page design, visual abstracts, and shorter manuscripts with the aim of making Hematology more graphical.
In spite of these changes, the essence of Hematology remains the same. As always, you can count on high quality content spanning the breadth of malignant and nonmalignant hematology, based on a state-of-the-art Education Program prepared by this year’s Ed- ucation Co-Chairs, Dr. Sioban Keel and Dr. Christopher Flowers. Dr. Andrew Roberts will deliver the Ham-Wasserman Lecture on Therapeutic Development and Current Uses of BCL-2 Inhibition, and his article is also included.
This volume is the culmination of the efforts of many individuals and their selfless com- mitment to ASH, including the authors, reviewers, designer (Debra Naylor), and ASH staff (Michelle Lee, Kenneth April, and Brian Cannon).
In these difficult times, we hope that you find Hematology to be the valued resource that it has always strived to be: a means of helping you keep current with the torrid pace of progress in hematology by highlighting recent practice-changing clinical advances as well as putting cutting edge basic advances into clinical context. Happy reading, and please stay safe.
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