X-Quang ngực cấp cứu, ấn bản 2021
Sobotta Atlas giải phẫu người 16e | Tập 3. Giải phẫu học Đầu, cổ và thần kinh
Giải phẫu học bỏ túi dành cho Nha khoa, Phiên bản 1
Washington Cẩm nang thực hành Bệnh dị ứng, hen suyễn và miễn dịch học 2e
Bolognia Da liễu lâm sàng căn bản
This second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Key Clinical Evidence provides an alternative to the growing volumes of trial data for students, trainees and researchers looking for the key evidence affecting medical practice.Written by a team of leading figures across the major specialities, the Oxford Handbook of Key Clinical Evidence carefully selects and brings together key information on some of the most important trials currently impacting clinical practice. With introductory chapters on the history and importance of evidence based medicine complemented by in-depth analysis of the impact of each trial and its practical implications, this text is a definitive quick-reference guide in this increasingly important field. Highlighted boxes identify the study type and evidence-level attained, while analysis of the key message and impacts of the trial firmly place the evidence into a practical setting for the reader. This extensively revised Handbook presents the key data, facts, and evidence informing both medical and surgical specialties. This second edition includes a brand new chapter on paediatrics. It incorporates new landmark trials which are changing clinical practice, and re-reviews previously included trials to ensure consistency with current practice. It is essential reading for everyone with an interest in getting to grasps with the fundamental evidence underpinning modern practice
Table of contents :
BOOK Details____
Title: Oxford handbook of key clinical evidence 2nd edition
Author(s): Kunal Kulkarni, James Harrison, Mohamed Baguneid, Bernard Prendergast
Series: Oxford handbooks; Oxford medical publications
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year: 2017 Edition: 2 Updated
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 949\993
ISBN: 0198729421, 978-0-19-872942-6, 9780198785057, 0198785054
Size: 6 MB (5929333 B)
Tải sách: Định dạng PDF – 993 trang – 6 MB – GOOGLE DRIVE