Ung thư vú: Chẩn đoán hình ảnh và hướng dẫn điều trị
Các nguyên lý của Chăm sóc Hồi sức ICU, Ấn bản thứ 4
Dị thường mạch máu: Hướng dẫn cho bác sĩ huyết học/ung thư, 2020
OCT và Hình ảnh trong các Bệnh của Hệ thần kinh Trung ương, ấn bản 2, 2020
[Series] Chẩn đoán hình ảnh: Não, Phiên bản 3
The Oxford Handbook of Dialysis is a comprehensive and practical guide to all aspects of dialysis, the management of patients with end stage kidney disease, and all its complications. The fourth edition has been completely updated, and covers all aspects of dialysis from haemodialysis techniques and haemodiafitration, to the medical, nursing and psychosocial aspects of managing patients with end stage kidney failure.Renal transplantation, plasma exchange, palliative care, and drug dosing are discussed, along with end of life care, and comnplications of chronic kdney disease. This handbook is packed with practical guidance and management, presented in a compact and easy to use format. The Oxford Handbook of Dialysis is aimed at all health care professionals dealing with dialysis patients from nephrologists to dieticians, as well as pharmacists, nurses, and surgeons. There are specific chapters on nursing patients on haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, and detailed nutrition and drug prescribing chapters.
The fourth edition includes new sections on renal replacement therapies in acute kidney injury, home dialysis, new peritoneal dialysis fluids, new drugs including new epoietins and phosphate binders, updated sections on nocturnal dialysis, dialysis monitoring, encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis, sleep disorders, etc. The handbook is easy to read, very practical, and focussed, with individual topics covered on one or two pages. This book should have a home in every renal unit, dialysis centre, renal ward, and be close to hand for every nephrologist, renal trainee, or renal nurse.
Table of contents :
Content: 1. The new patient with renal failure
2. Haemodialysis
3. Nursing a patient on haemodialysis
4. Home and Frequent Haemodialysis
5. Peritoneal dialysis
6. Nursing issues in peritoneal dialysis
7. Renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury
8. Nutrition on dialysis
9. Special situations
10. Complications of ESKD: anaemia
11. Complications of ESKD: bone mineral disorders
12. Complications of ESKD: cardiovascular disease
13. Complications of ESKD: infection
14. Symptoms related to ESKD
15. Other complications of ESKD
16. Death in dialysis patients
17. Transplantation for dialysis patients
18. Drug Dosing
19. Standards and guidelines
BOOK Details____
Title: Oxford handbook of dialysis 4th edition
Author(s): Jeremy Levy, Edwina Brown, Anastasia Lawrence
Series: Oxford Medical Handbooks
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year: 2016 Edition: 4
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 688\689
ISBN: 0199644764, 978-0-19-964476-6
Size: 6 MB (6019847 B)
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