Làm chủ nội dung ôn thi USMLE Step 2 CK, 2nd
Quản lý Nhiễm trùng trong Phẫu thuật Chỉnh hình: Hướng dẫn Thực hành 2021
Atlas phẫu thuật nội tiết và nội tiết thần kinh
Atlas hình ảnh dải hẹp tổn thương ống tiêu hóa trên, 2020
Giáo trình Dược lý học của Brenner và Stevens, Phiên bản thứ 5
This text provides accessible and practical advice on medical dermatology that meets the needs of healthcare professionals working in hospitals. It will also be of value to those working in the community, and to medical students.Giving concise and clear guidance on investigation and treatment, this Handbook helps doctors adopt a step-by-step approach at the bedside to make sense of skin problems by analyzing clinical signs. Illustrated and in full colour, it covers skin physiology, an overview of common skin conditions, and skin problems commonly seen in a broad range of specialities, from rheumatology to psychiatry, as well as children and the elderly.
Now comprehensively updated with new clinical pictures, references, and extensively reworked chapters on skin in infancy and childhood, cutaneous reactions to drugs, skin tumours, and rheumatology. This second edition now includes a brand new chapter on skin and genetics, detailing this fast-growing and important area of dermatology, promoting good communication with a patient-centred and practical common-sense approach for trainees in dermatology, junior doctors, GPs, and medical students.
BOOK Details____
Title: Oxford handbook of medical dermatology 2nd edition
Author(s): Susan Burge, Rubeta Matin, Dinny Wallis
Series: Oxford Medical Handbooks
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year: 2016 Edition: 2
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 712\718
ISBN: 0198747926, 978-0-19-874792-5, 9780191810893, 0191810894
Size: 30 MB (31610135 B)
Tải sách: Định dạng PDF – 718 trang – 30 MB – GOOGLE DRIVE