Atlas Phẫu thuật Chấn thương Hàm mặt: Biến dạng sau chấn thương, phiên bản 2020
Câu hỏi Động não trong Độc chất học
Chuyển mô mỡ tự thân, Nguyên tắc và thực hành lâm sàng
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Các kỹ thuật sửa chữa thoát vị thành bụng, ấn bản 2020
THE PEDIATRICS CLERKSHIP SURVIVAL GUIDE WRITTEN BY STUDENTS WHO ACED THE CLERKSHIP – NOW IN FULL COLOR!Hundreds of high-yield facts cover everything you need to excel on the boards and wards
Detailed how-to-succeed and what-to-study guidance from students who aced the boards
Integrated minicases highlight frequently tested scenarios and common patient presentations
Mnemonics, tables, and illustrations help you remember key concepts
Exam and Ward tips help you stand out on the wards and ace the shelf exam
Classifieds highlight extra-curricular opportunities and scholarships
Rich new full-color presentation.
About the Author_____
Latha Ganti, MD, MS, MBA, FACEP Professor of Emergency Medicine and Neurology University of Central Florida College of Medicine.
Matthew Kaufman, MD Associate Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, Richmond University Medical Center.
Neeraja Kairam, MD, Associate Director Pediatric Emergency Department, Department of Emergency Medicine, Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, New Jersey
Brian M. Lurie, MD, MPH, Associate Director, Pediatric Residency Program, Director, HealthStart Clinic, Atlantic Health- Goryeb Children’s Hospital, Morristown, New Jersey.
Ethan Wiener, MD, FAAP, FACEP, Chief, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, NYU Langone Health and Bellevue Hospital Center, Associate Professor of Emergency and Pediatrics, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York.
First Aid for the Pediatrics Clerkship, Fourth Edition 4th Edition, Kindle Edition
by Latha Ganti (Author), Matthew S. Kaufman (Author)
Print List Price: $55.00
File Size: 88566 KB
Print Length: 576 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical; 4 edition (December 29, 2017)
Publication Date: December 29, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Định dạng sách PDF – 576 trang – MB