Cấy ghép ốc tai điện tử cho các dị dạng khoang chung ốc tai – tiền đình, ấn bản 2022
Chẩn đoán và điều trị rối loạn tuyến cận giáp trong kiểm soát bệnh thận mãn tính, 2020
Điều trị đau – Hướng dẫn minh họa cho các bác sĩ đa khoa, 2019
Dejong Hướng dẫn khám lâm sàng thần kinh, phiên bản 8 [2019]
Ung thư dạ dày: 25 năm tiến hóa R, ấn bản 2021
Neurosurgery Rounds: Questions and Answers, Second Edition by Mark Shaya and an impressive cadre of coauthors and contributors, thoroughly prepares medical students and residents for common yet challenging questions frequently encountered during neurosurgery rounds. The convenient, easy-to-follow format provides diverse coverage of multiple disciplines intertwined in the understanding, care, and treatment of neurosurgical patients.Bringing the state of the art in neurosurgery up to date, nine revised and expanded chapters cover a full range of congenital, degenerative, traumatic, neoplastic, infectious, vascular, and inflammatory conditions impacting the brain, spine and peripheral nerves. Short answers and explanations appear directly below the questions, enabling quick reference during busy hospital shifts.
Key Features
More than 1,600 questions and answers test readers on a wide range of basic neuroscience, brain, spine, and peripheral nerve topics
30 featured cases provide invaluable clinical pearls and insightful discussions
More than 175 high-quality radiographs and anatomical illustrations enhance the text
This concise review is an essential lab coat companion for all medical students pursuing neurosurgical clerkships or sub-internships and junior residents on rounds.
Neurosurgery Rounds: Questions and Answers 2nd Edition
by Mark Shaya (Author), Cristian Gragnaniello (Author), Remi Nader (Author)
Paperback: 520 pages
Publisher: Thieme; 2 edition (November 1, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781626233461
ISBN-13: 978-1626233461
ASIN: 1626233462
Product Dimensions: 7 x 4 inches
Tải sách: PDF, 520 trang, 8 MB – GOOGLE DRIVE