Giải phẫu ngoại khoa đám rối thắt lưng, Phiên bản 2019
[ABC Series] Đại cương về Ung thư Đại trực tràng, Phiên bản 2
Giải phẫu học minh hoạ đầu và cổ, phiên bản 5
Giáo trình Siêu âm tim lâm sàng 6e, Catherine Otto
Chẩn đoán hình ảnh Xương thái dương: Giúp đơn giản hóa 2021
For more than forty years, the single-best guide for learning how to become a master clinical diagnostician.Much more than a text describing how to perform a history and physical examination, DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination is unmatched in its ability to help you logically assess symptoms and physical signs to facilitate development of reasonable, testable diagnostic hypotheses.
Part physical examination primer, part differential diagnosis guide, DeGowin’s: Describes how to obtain a complete history and perform a thorough physical examination Links symptoms and signs with the pathophysiology of disease Presents a symptom, sign, anatomy, and physiology-based approach to differential diagnosis Facilitates efficient cost-effective diagnostic testing using focused differential diagnoses
Organized as a practical bedside guide to assist diagnosis, DeGowin’s is valuable as a quick reference at the point-of-care or as a text to study the principles and practice of history taking and physical examination.
Title: DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination
Author(s): Richard LeBlond, Donald Brown, Manish Suneja, Joseph F. Szot
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 2018 Edition: 10
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 896\902
ISBN: 0071814477, 9780071814478
ID: 1490654
Size: 253 MB
TẢI VỀ: Định dạng PDF – 902 trang – 253 MB – Google Drive