Bệnh Kawasaki ở trẻ em, Phân tích lâm sàng và các trường hợp, ấn bản 2021
Giáo trình lâm sàng Hồi sức, phiên bản 7
Thống kê trong ngành công nghiệp Dược phẩm, ấn bản 3, 2019
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Giáo Trình Miễn Dịch – ĐH Y Dược Thái Nguyên
This 4th edition of The Washington Manual Internship Survival Guide contains all the essential information needed for a successful internship.Designed to help residents improve their skills from their very first day on the wards, this pocket-size reference book offers practical medical advice for the top 10 workups and common calls and complaints residents will encounter during their rotations, including key history, what not to miss, and when to call for help.
• Includes a quick-reference detachable 12-panel pocket card with step-by-step instructions and full-color illustrations of procedures
• New sections offer valuable insights into patient safety and risk management
• Expanded coverage gives reader a better understanding of pain management and critical care
• Thorough updates give residents the most current medical practices
The Washington Manual Internship Survival Guide, 4th Edition 4th Edition
by Thomas M. De Fer (Author), Eric M. Knoche (Author), Gina N. LaRossa (Author), Heather F. Sateia (Author)
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: LWW; 4th edition (March 28, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1451143249
ISBN-13: 978-1451143249
Product Dimensions: 4.5 x 0.8 x 7.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces
Định dạng sách: PDF – 264 trang – 10 MB