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Hướng dẫn thực tế về Quản lý bệnh võng mạc tiểu đường, Phiên bản 2
Phương pháp trị liệu mới cho chấn thương sọ não: Ngăn ngừa tổn thương não thứ cấp và tăng cường sửa chữa và tái tạo
The fourth edition of Clinical Examination provides a clear, practical and above all, superbly illustrated guide to all aspects of history taking and patient examination. Designed to be accessible both to medical students just starting their clinical attachments and to more experienced readers, the clear writing style, the innovative use of clinical photographs and the explanatory illustrations combine to explain and clarify the concepts and skills necessary to take a history and perform an examination. The text is organised by body system, with each chapter structured the same way: firstly, underlying structure and function; secondly, signs, symptoms and abnormalities; thirdly, patient examination.The anatomy & physiology coverage ‘sets the scene’ and refreshes students’ memory on the science they studied earlier in their course.
The signs & symptoms sections serve as a mini-textbook of medicine by highlighting most important diseases associated with each body system
The history-taking and examination sections alert students to general principles and particular considerations relevant to interacting with patients
Eight different types of boxes classify information on key aspects of the text: differential diagnosis; emergency topics; examination of the elderly; questions to ask; areas for review; risk factors; symptoms and signs; and ‘red flag’ issues
Nearly 1000 illustrations, including over 500 photographs of physical signs as they present in real life
Colour diagrams illustrate underlying structure and function as well as demonstrating examination techniques
Now available on Student Consult with full online access to the text and illustrations
An expanded author team includes representatives from primary care to reflect the changes in the teaching environment for clinical skills
A new first chapter focuses more strongly on communication skills and ethics
New ‘red flag’ highlight important symptoms and signs requiring urgent attention
Online access to the text and illustrations on Student Consult for the first time
A revised text design givers the text a fresh feel and aids navigation through the book
Clinical Examination: With STUDENT CONSULT Access, 4e
by Owen Epstein MB BCh FRCP (Author), G. David Perkin BA MB FRCP
BA MB FRCP (Author), John Cookson MD FRCP (Author), Ian S. Watt BSc MB ChB MPH FFPH (Author), Roby Rakhit BSc MD FRCP (Author), Andrew W. Robins MB MSc MRCP FRCHCH (Author), Graham A. W. Hornett BA MA MB BChir FRCGP (Author)
Paperback: 452 pages
Publisher: Mosby; 4 edition (4 July 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0723434549
ISBN-13: 978-0723434542
Product Dimensions: 19.7 x 2.5 x 28.6 cm
TẢI VỀ: Định dạng PDF – 452 trang – 24 MB – Google Drive