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Phẫu thuật tạo hình nhãn khoa dành cho bác sĩ nhãn khoa: Hỏi & Đáp, 2021
Indirect Care Handbook for Advanced Nursing Roles: Beyond the Bedside provides advanced practice nurses, managers, and administrators, with the resources needed to address the challenges of working in today’s complex healthcare system. This ‘how-to guide’ provides practical tools, coaching, narrative content and strategies to better prepare nurses who are training to assume an advanced practice or administrative role.Indirect Care Handbook for Advanced Nursing Roles: Beyond the Bedside seeks to address the unique responsibilities of advanced practice roles and bridge the gap between intra-professional colleagues based on feedback from practicing nurses. In addition, the author seeks to encourage all nurses to recognize their value and power and work together to improve outcomes, reduce harm risk, minimize threats, deal with workplace violence and build professionalism.
Key Features:
• Detailed exemplars help clinicians and students apply content to real-life situations
• Worksheets and tools assist clinicians with planning and implementing processes
• Web-based recommendations offer additional resources for reference
• Scenarios focused on teamwork and collaboration emphasize the opportunity for synergy between professionals
Chapter 1 Strategic Career Planning: Professional and Personal Development
Reflection and Self-Appraisal: Know Yourself
Reflective Practice: Developing the Professional Self
Mindfulness as a Strategy to Promote Well-Being
Professional Portfolios: Opportunities to Gather Personal and Professional Insights
Publicizing Professional Experiences and Expertise: The Curriculum Vitae and Résumé
Certification: A Value-Added Enhancement
Chapter 2 Communication Strategies and Tips to Achieve Desired Results
Email, Voicemail and Computer Usage Tips
Personal Device Policies in the Workplace
Organizing Successful Meetings
Communicating Professionalism
Surviving and Flourishing in a Work World Filled with Difficult People
Excellent Interviews: Knowing What to Ask and How to Ask It
Social Media Networking Opportunities: Exploring New Connections
Chapter 3 Executing Effective Performance Appraisals: Energizing Employees and Improving Practice
Employee Evaluation Postperformance Appraisal Communication and ReflectionAppraising Deficient Performance with Success as the Goal
Self-Regulation and Peer Review
Succession Planning
Chapter 4 Health Care Business Essentials: A Primer for Advanced Nurses
The Context of Nursing Practice: An Overview of the U.S. Health Care System
Budget Process Essentials
Chapter 5 Confronting Workplace Violence: Creating and Sustaining a Healthy Place to Work
Workplace Violence
Strategies for Violence Reduction
Supplemental Resource Publication
Chapter 6 Environmentally Conscientious Healthcare: Opportunities to Improve Sustainability and Reduce Resource Consumption
The Case for Prioritizing Ecologically Sound Care Practices
Ecological Project Possibilities: Partnering Health and Planet Sustainability
Tools Advanced Nurses Can Use to Support an Ecofriendly Agenda
Chapter 7 Effectively Educating to Transform Health and the Health Care System
Patient and Community Education
Levels of Literacy
Educating Nurses to Support Practice Excellence Essentials for Educating with Excellence: Academic Teaching and the Advanced Nurse
Chapter 8 Keeping Patients Safe: Preventing Unintended Adverse Consequences and Reducing Errors
Human Error and Types of Error
Creating a Just Culture for Patient Safety
Quality and Safety Education in Nursing
Chapter 9 Influencing Outcomes: Improving the Quality of Care Delivery
The Impact of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree on Advanced Nurses
What Is an Outcome?
Outcomes Measures: Key Players and Driving Forces
BOOK Details____
Title: Indirect care handbook for advanced nursing roles : beyond the bedside
Author(s): Zuzelo, Patti Rager
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Year: 2020
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 398\413
ISBN: 9781284144116, 1284144119 ID:2321177
Size: 10 MB
Tải sách: Định dạng PDF – 398 trang – 10 MB – GOOGLE DRIVE