Women of Rajasthan has to perform agricultural practices and contribute a major share of family economy in terms of food grains, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, milk, wool, fuel, fiber, timber etc. The average sex ratio of the region is low. The literacy status of the women is also lower than their male counterpart. The participation of women in the tertiary sector such as medical, teaching, administrative and other official services is lower than the male population. In this part of area, excess workloads coupled with inadequate nutritious food have led normal to severe under-nutrition problem among the women. Women of this rural based region are busy since early morning to late night in various household activities. Consequently 42 % of the total surveyed women fall under the grip of moderate to severe malnutrition. As a result of malnutrition mothers gave birth to low weight babies. An attempt has been made here to study the demographic profile and malnutrition status of the women in the Rajasthan region.