Maternal and paternal characters affecting the growth and survival of progeny of Jayanti rohu (Female) × Rohu (Male) and Jayanti Rohu (Male) × Rohu (Female)
The present study emphasizes how the maternal and paternal characters affect the embryonic development, growth and survival of the young ones in the controlled conditions. Healthy males and females of Jayanti Rohu (improved variety of Labeo rohita) and Rohu (Labeo rohita) were induced to breed in the captive condition with suitable physico-chemical parameters like water movement, water exchange, water temperature and dissolved oxygen. The embryos were observed under the microscope. Eggs and young ones were kept under observation for 31 days, placed in the setup with continuous water flow, aeration and proper feeding. The present study revealed that the young ones of cross of Jayanti Rohu (Female) × Rohu (Male) had a better growth, survival, and faster embryonic development as compared to the young ones of cross of Jayanti Rohu (Male) × Rohu (Female).