Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) represent about 77% of leukemia in children and it is one of the most common malignancies in children. Bone Sialoprotein-1 is a tumor – associated antigen that is highly expressed in many malignancies in human. This study was aimed to study the role of Bone Sialoprotein-1 and its receptors CD44 variant 6 in children’s with acute lymphoblastic Leukemia in Tanta University Hospital. This study was carried out in hematology unit, pediatric department and clinical pathology department, Tanta university hospital, Egypt. 40 children patients were included in this study and 10 healthy controls. The serum levels of Bone Sialoprotein-1 were measured in both healthy control and ALL children patients by ELISA and CD44 variant 6 by flowcytometry