Tài liệu y khoa

A bitter pill to swallow - Polypharmacy and psychotropic treatment in people with advanced dementia

  • Mã tin: 2469
  • Ngày đăng: 07/02/2023
  • Gian hàng: mangyte  
  • Khu vực: Hà nội
  • Giá: Liên hệ
Mục lục
Polypharmacy is common in people with dementia. The use of psychotropic drugs (PDs) and other, potentially inappropriate medications is high. The aims of this cross-sectional study were 1) to investigate the use of drugs in people with advanced dementia (PWAD), living at home or in long term care (LTC); 2) to focus on PD use; and 3) to identify determinants of PD use.
Mạng Y Tế
Nguồn: https://tailieu.vn/doc/a-bitter-pill-to-swallow-polypharmacy-and-psychotropic-treatment-in-people-with-advanced-dementia-2523694.html
Liên hệ
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