Tài liệu y khoa

Health care professionals’ perspectives on self-management for people with Parkinson’s: Qualitative findings from a UK study

  • Mã tin: 2526
  • Ngày đăng: 07/02/2023
  • Gian hàng: mangyte  
  • Khu vực: Hà nội
  • Giá: Liên hệ
Mục lục
Parkinson’s disease is a long-term, complex health condition. To improve or maintain quality of life, people with Parkinson’s can have an active involvement in their care through self-management techniques. Given the complexity and individualization of self-management, people with Parkinson’s will need support and encouragement from their healthcare professionals (HCPs).
Mạng Y Tế
Nguồn: https://tailieu.vn/doc/health-care-professionals-perspectives-on-self-management-for-people-with-parkinson-s-qualitative--2523750.html
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