Tài liệu y khoa

Factors associated with mobility decrease leading to disability: A cross-sectional nationwide study in Japan, with results from 8681 adults aged 20-89 years

  • Mã tin: 2670
  • Ngày đăng: 07/02/2023
  • Gian hàng: mangyte  
  • Khu vực: Hà nội
  • Giá: Liên hệ
Mục lục
Mobility decrease leading to disability can gradually develop during early life, however, its related factors are not well clarified. Therefore, we investigate the related factors of mobility decrease at various levels, using nationwide data in Japan.
Mạng Y Tế
Nguồn: https://tailieu.vn/doc/factors-associated-with-mobility-decrease-leading-to-disability-a-cross-sectional-nationwide-study--2523923.html
Liên hệ
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