Tài liệu y khoa

Understanding individual, family and community perspectives on delaying early birth among adolescent girls: Findings from a formative evaluation in rural Bangladesh

  • Mã tin: 1208
  • Ngày đăng: 05/02/2023
  • Gian hàng: mangyte  
  • Khu vực: Hà nội
  • Giá: Liên hệ
Mục lục
Pregnancy among adolescent girls in Bangladesh is high, with 66% of women under the age of 18 reporting a first birth; this issue is particularly acute in the northern region of Bangladesh, an area that is especially impoverished and where girls are at heightened risk.
Mạng Y Tế
Nguồn: https://tailieu.vn/doc/understanding-individual-family-and-community-perspectives-on-delaying-early-birth-among-adolescent-2296744.html
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